Early Learning Curriculum: Pre-K & Kindergarten

Welcome to the Early Learning program at Al Andalus Institute of Pittsburgh, where we implement the Creative Curriculum® as the foundation of our educational approach. This esteemed, research-based curriculum is crafted to spark young learners’ natural curiosity and foster a love for exploration. Our program is dedicated to offering a comprehensive early childhood education that supports every facet of your child’s development.

What is the Creative Curriculum®?

The Creative Curriculum® is a renowned, research-backed framework that prioritizes active learning through exploration and play. It acknowledges that every child is unique, with individual strengths, interests, and learning styles. Built on the philosophy that children thrive when engaged in meaningful, hands-on activities, the curriculum is designed to encourage them to explore and understand their world.

Core Elements of the Creative Curriculum®

Our Pre-K and Kindergarten programs are structured around the essential elements of the Creative Curriculum®, ensuring a dynamic and engaging learning experience for your child:

Learning Through Play:

We foster a vibrant learning environment where play is central to education. Children are encouraged to explore, experiment, and interact with their surroundings, forming discoveries that lay the groundwork for deeper understanding.

Thematic Units:

Our curriculum is organized into thematic units that integrate multiple areas of learning. These themes are thoughtfully chosen to be relevant and engaging, providing a meaningful context for learning.

Interest Areas:

Classrooms are divided into distinct interest areas—such as blocks, dramatic play, art, and science—where children can engage in activities that align with their developmental stages and interests. Each area is equipped with materials that promote exploration, problem-solving, and creativity.

Teacher-Guided Learning:

While child-initiated learning is fundamental to the Creative Curriculum®, our teachers play a vital role in guiding and extending this learning. They observe children’s interests, pose open-ended questions, and introduce new concepts to inspire further exploration.

Key Areas of Development

The Creative Curriculum® addresses all critical areas of development, ensuring a well-rounded early education:

Social-Emotional Development:

We emphasize the development of social skills, emotional resilience, and self-esteem through group activities and collaborative projects, teaching children to work together, share, and build relationships.

Physical Development:

Our curriculum includes activities that support both fine and gross motor skills. Children engage in physical activities that promote coordination, balance, and overall health, laying the foundation for lifelong physical well-being.

Language & Literacy:

We place a strong emphasis on language development and early literacy. Children are immersed in a rich language environment through storytelling, singing, reading, and writing, which helps them develop essential communication skills.

Cognitive Development:

Cognitive growth is fostered through activities that promote critical thinking, problem-solving, and curiosity. The curriculum integrates math and science concepts into daily learning, helping children understand the world around them.

Creative Arts:

Artistic expression is integral to the Creative Curriculum®. Children explore various art forms, including drawing, painting, music, and dance, which fosters creativity and self-expression.

Assessment and Individualized Learning

The Creative Curriculum® features a robust system for assessing and tracking each child’s progress. Our teachers use ongoing observations and assessments to understand each child’s unique needs and strengths, allowing us to tailor our instruction and provide personalized support to ensure every child’s success.

Foundational Skills in Quran, Arabic, and Islamic Studies

In addition to the core elements of the Creative Curriculum®, our Pre-K program integrates foundational skills in Quran, Arabic, and Islamic Studies. This includes:

  • Quranic Fundamentals: Children are introduced to basic Quranic concepts, fostering an early connection with the teachings of Islam.
  • Arabic Language: Early exposure to the Arabic language is provided through simple words, phrases, and songs, laying the groundwork for future language acquisition.
  • Islamic Values: We incorporate Islamic values and stories into daily activities, helping children understand and embrace their faith in a meaningful way.

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